First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
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Do you have a blog or instagram account?
Why do you want to write for
What makes online content engaging?
How do you spot new food ideas or identify new trends?
What is your current occupation, or previously from which company/school?
When is your available start date?
Do you have any food allergies or restrictions?
Write a fictional article headline about food that is eye-catching
What are your three favourite restaurants or hawker stalls?
Can you name one hawker/restaurant that's considered a hidden gem that we have not featured? What's special about it?
Do you own a digital camera? What model and lens/lenses do you use? Note: Food photography and editing is required.
What image editing software/app do you use?
On a scale of 1 - 10, 10 being professional level, how would you rate your photography and photo editing abilities? 12345678910
What is your expected salary?
List one referral contact no. and name from your previous workplace that we can reach out to. Leave blank if none available.
Upload a short food review sample of minimally 300 words in word document or PDF including 3 relevant photos taken by yourself (2 MB size max *required*)
Upload CV/ Resume (2 MB size max)