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singapore food

10 Singapore hawker meals below $3 you won’t believe still exist

“Everything is so expensive! I only have S$3!”  Aye, we hear you. In this day and age, just existing is a rising cost that never...

Taco Mantra @ Sixteen Ounces, The Rail Mall: S$12 Indian-Mexican tacos and craft beers hidden in the West

As of yesterday, I thought I'd visited every Asian-Mexican fusion restaurant there is in Singapore. Obviously, I haven’t because Taco Mantra @ Sixteen Ounces...

New in town: Abundance, Redhill — Your one-stop shop for Taiwanese grub

I think we don't talk about how much we love Taiwanese grub. I mean, there is nothing more satisfying than juicy, fatty slabs of...

New in town: Kraft Kitchen, Tampines — Beef Rendang Pot Pie and Lobster Bisque in the East

Easties, rejoice! Here’s another cafe option for you. Setting up shop along Tampines Street 81, Kraft Kitchen is a halal-certified cafe serving up a...

5 Un-Beer-Lievable Local Food Pairings With Sapporo Beer For A Hoppin’ Good Time

As the year comes to an end, my newfound motto is: "Treat yourself." That's why when I was told to pair food dishes with Sapporo Premium...

Origins Of Singapore Fish Soup – The Original Collagen Soup

Milk or no milk is a common question when ordering and talking about Fish Soup Bee Hoon or 鱼片米粉 in Singapore. Some point to...

19 Artisanal Made-in-Singapore Foods You Never Knew About

What exactly is artisanal food products you may ask, they are simply alternative versions of the food products that we use from a day to...

17 Nostalgic Foods That Are Disappearing From Singapore’s History

As we progress further into the future, Singapore's society as a whole moves on together and we often leave behind certain sorts of heritage,...

14 Best Kway Chaps 粿汁 To Try In Singapore

Kway Chap, the 2-part Teochew dish that enraptures true gourmands of the scrumptious pig, is a combination of Kway—a soy sauce broth with thin, broad...

5 Spicy Foods In Singapore You Never Thought Could Cool You Down

You are panting as you briskly make your exasperating journey on foot to a sheltered sanctuary peddling your favourite lunch. Perhaps you're thinking about...

28 Food Things Only People From Singapore Would Understand

As a Singaporean, there are many things I find hard to explain to tourists, like why we like Durians. Or why the Esplanade is...
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A Must Try Recipe