If you’re a fan of beer and bar bites, look no further because Guinness Burts Potato Chips are here to accompany you during your drinking sessions.
To save you the trouble, I tried both flavours to help you to decide which one to buy. I’m not really a fan of beer, and I try to stay away from it as much as possible, but I thought, what’s the harm in just a bag of potato chips?
Right off the bat, the original thick-cut chips tasted a little bland for my liking. It does grow on you though, but be mindful of how much you’re eating in one sitting! From the scent, I couldn’t really detect the familiar malt beverage. They just smelt like salted chips to me.
I could say the same for the taste—I picked up a little bit of beer in the taste but it’s extremely light and hardly noticeable. The chips themselves were crunchy and crisp, and they left me wanting more with each bite despite the subtle light taste.
Same went for the Red Chili flavour—the taste of Irish stout was barely there. In fact, these reminded me of barbecue potato chips. Crazily enough, it also reminded me of curry. The texture for these chips was exactly the same as the original, and was equally addictive.
I have to admit, I didn’t like these chips at the beginning but the more you eat, the more they grow on you. No, these chips will not make you tipsy—there wasn’t even the taste of beer in either of the packets.
If you’re actually looking for potato chips that have a strong beer flavour, these Guinness chips are not for you. However, if you’re just looking for a snack, I guess you could just settle for these.
Dates & Times: Now available in Cold Storage and FairPrice outlets
Prices: S$4.50 at Cold Storage outlets until the end of January, S$5.50 at Cold Storage outlets after January | S$6.35 at selected FairPrice outlets