Since its arrival in Malaysia in 2016, FamilyMart has opened over 50 other outlets.
This famous Japanese convenience store opens 24/7, so it’s the best bet for a late-night snack run.

Listen up, FamilyMart Malaysia is now running an exclusive introductory deal for Facebook fans! The Brown Sugar Bubble Milk is priced at RM6.90, but you can snatch one up for only RM4.90.
All you need to do is hit “Like” on FamilyMart Malaysia’s Facebook page and show it to the FamilyMart staff! Easy.

The 24-hour convenience chain store boasts that the milk is 100% fresh and creamy, while the brown sugar pearls are imported from Taiwan.
If you get a bubble tea craving at 3am, you can actually pick up a cup of Brown Sugar Bubble Milk from FamilyMart Malaysia outlets.

If you want something more than boba, FamilyMart outlets are furnished with meal stations and snack bars to ensure your hungry stomach doesn’t wake up the neighbourhood.
Here’s to the undying trend of bubble tea! Honestly, I wish I could teleport over just to snag these boba-tastic cups.
Dates & Times: Now available until 25 June 2019 at FamilyMart outlets | Check out their Facebook page for more details
Price: RM4.90 per cup