It seems that Shi Nian (石年), renowned for its pig trotters, is slowly expanding its presence around Singapore by opening 3 new outlets in a single month! To celebrate their progress, they will be giving out free plates of Pig Leg Rice and Pig Trotter rice worth S$5.90 each at these upcoming new branches.
Yes, you heard me right! You’ll be able to enjoy these 2 dishes, absolutely free of charge.
Before I get into the nitty-gritty details, let’s take a look at the location of these 3 new stalls and the dates to lookout for (add a reminder to your calendars):
- Kovan 209 Market and Food Centre (#01-31): 9 – 11 Mar 2023
- Marine Parade Central Market and Food Centre (#01-27): 15 – 17 Mar 2023
- Amoy Street Food Centre (#01-49): 27 – 31 Mar 2023
You might be asking, “But Aaron, what’s the catch?”
Well, simply join the queue and you’re only allowed to order 1 dish at a time without helping someone in your group to order on their behalf. That being said, you’re allowed to rejoin the queue as many times as you want (if your appetite is huge).
You’ll be able to get either the Pig Trotters Rice or Pig Leg Rice at all the 3 new outlets during its entire duration of the operational hours (10.30am to 9pm). Both dishes come with the meat, a bed of rice, salted vegetables and a prawn cake.
The reason Shi Nian (石年) is doing this is not only to give back to the community but also to gather feedback from the public on the taste of their food.
Be sure to head down to those 3 locations during the dates I’ve mentioned above to get a free bowl of melt-in-your-mouth pig trotters and legs.
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