Are you team taugeh or team no taugeh? Recently, an online post from a Malaysian man who’s from team no taugeh went viral. In an act of dissatisfaction, he tipped his bowl of noodles onto the table, expressing his discontent over the inclusion of taugeh in his meal.

According to the post, he had asked the staff to exclude taugeh from his dish. Frustrated when he saw the dish being served with taugeh, he sarcastically commented, “Either the chef forgot my request or the person taking my order didn’t hear.”

To show his displeasure and protest against the order, the man dumped the noodles on the table. He explained that he would usually ask the chef to prepare the order again, but felt pity for the food stall, as there weren’t many customers— so his act was a sign of protest.
He left the noodles and taugeh on the table to urge the food stall to pay closer attention to customers’ requests in the future — no taugeh means no taugeh!
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The post has quickly stirred discussion amongst netizens. Most of them seemed to support the man, stating that they would also do the same and criticised stall owners for not being attentive in running the business.
Some mentioned that they would get the chef to cook again, as they already requested it to be cooked a certain way. Meanwhile, some think it was a waste of food.
So, what would you do if this happened to you? Share your thoughts with me!
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